Friday, June 13, 2008

Let the boxes begin!

I think we can, I think we can, I think we can! Move that is...

As of today, I am going to pack at least one box per day! I'm thinking the Laws of Attractions will help our house sell a little more swiftly if I just start packing. Not to mention the truckload of stuff a family of 5 can accumulate over the years. It's disgusting. So I have a ways to go, to say the least.

I also thought I'd better get a head start in my closet. O closet, how I love thee. Let me count the ways! I know I'll never find another closet like you! Without exaggerating my closet (my side of the closet) is easily the size of my college dorm room that I shared with another human being. I love this closet. I don't know that our next house, or any house for that matter, will ever suffice now that I've been so spoiled. Speaking of college, I have started the painful process of getting rid of clothes that no longer fit... It's extremely painful to give away a pair of jeans that looked so good back in the college days to Goodwill. Gone forever. I had been holding onto them in false hopes, but after Wyatt was born, my body just won't shrink back to how it once was. Quite depressing. so my wonderfully long jeans - gone. My only hope is that some other six foot tall woman who is as obsessed with 36"+ inseams will happen upon them one day at the Thrift store. And that she too, will be as happy as I was. Way back when. So I tried sticking to the "if you haven't worn it in 6 months, throw it out" rule. Man, that's hard! But I'm trying.

So in the middle of all the packing/organizing/what's gotten into me stuff, we had so much fun outside "watering the plants." Heres' a few shots:

So this is way more than you've ever asked already. Other items to discuss: still moving to Texas: not quite sure when, Ray is at Hermann: wants to get to TIRR real soon, Vacation: Next week: Grown Up weekend (Yay, Wahoo! So excited), then Yosemite! :)

Peace Out.

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