Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My long lost blog...

It has been an obscene amount of time since my last post. It's been a little crazy.
First, we've moved. Yahoo. We're officially Texans again! Nate has even been saying "fixin' to" and "yall" on a regular basis. Happy 'bout that!

Second, Christmas was in there somewhere. It was a hard one. We lost one of our dearest friends.
We will miss you, Kevin. You have blessed us with so many wonderful memories.

Thirdly, we picked up a beautiful puppy on Christmas Eve. (We named her Harley in honor of Kevin, since Arlen Ness was a little masculine.) She's an English Mastiff. She's a great big baby who doesn't realize her size yet. But it is like having another baby in the house. Fun times.

Fourthly (if that's a word), I have been burning the midnight oil getting the photo business off the ground here in Texas. Should be a very busy month. I plan to launch & unveil it all March 1. So be on the lookout.

There's been many stories & memories to write of... but for now, I'll leave ya with just a couple of pictures from the weekend.